Getting historical raw context information

The STH component exposes an HTTP REST API to let external clients query the available historical raw context information.

A typical URL querying for this information using a GET request is the following:


Notice that in the previous URL we have used some templates between < and > which should be substituted by the corresponding real values.

Also notice that in the previous request a paginated response has been requested with a limit of 3 entries and an offset of 0 entries (first page).

The requests for raw context information can use the following query parameters:

  • lastN: Only the requested last entries will be returned. It is a mandatory parameter if no hLimit and hOffset are provided.
  • hLimit: In case of pagination, the number of entries per page. It is a mandatory parameter if no lastN is provided.
  • hOffset: In case of pagination, the offset to apply to the requested search of raw context information. It is a mandatory parameter if no lastN is provided.
  • dateFrom: The starting date and time from which the raw context information is desired. It is an optional parameter.
  • dateTo: The final date and time until which the raw context information is desired. It is an optional parameter.
  • file type: The raw context information can be requested as a file setting this query parameter to the desired file type. Currently, the only supported value and file type is csv. It is an optional parameter.
  • count: The total count of elements could be asked using this query parameter. Supported values are true or false. As a result response will include a new header: Fiware-Total-Count. It is an optional parameter which default is false.

NOTE: Date is specified using the ISO 8601 standard format.

In order to avoid problems handing big results there is a restriction about the number of results per page that could be retrieved. The rule is hLimit <= lastN <= config.maxPageSize Where default max page is are defined to 100.

An example response provided by the STH component to a request such as the previous one could be the following:

    "contextResponses": [
            "contextElement": {
                "attributes": [
                        "name": "attrName",
                        "values": [
                                "recvTime": "2016-01-14T13:43:33.306Z",
                                "attrValue": "21.28"
                                "recvTime": "2016-01-14T13:43:34.636Z",
                                "attrValue": "23.42"
                                "recvTime": "2016-01-14T13:43:35.424Z",
                                "attrValue": "22.12"
                "id": "entityId",
                "isPattern": false
            "statusCode": {
                "code": "200",
                "reasonPhrase": "OK"

It is important to note that if a valid query is made but it returns no data (for example because there is no raw context information for the specified time frame), a response with code 200 is returned including an empty values property array, since it is a valid query.