Storing historical raw and aggregated time series context information

There are 2 main ways to store historical raw and aggregated time series context information into the STH component:

  1. The formal option.
  2. The minimalistic option.

The formal option uses an additional component of the FIWARE ecosystem as it is Cygnus. Cygnus is the component in charge of persisting in distinct repositories or data storages the context information managed by an Orion Context Broker instance over time. To do it, Cygnus supports distinct connectors (aka., sinks) to many external repositories or data storages such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Kafka, CartoDB, CKAN, MySQL, PostgreSQL, amongst others.

To register the raw and aggregated time series context information into the STH component using Cygnus, we implemented 2 additional sinks such as:

  1. The MongoDB sink: the MongoDB sink is in charge of persisting into MongoDB databases the desired context information as it is registered into an Orion Context Broker instance. Once it is stored in the desired MongoDB databases, the STH component is able to make it available by means of the raw context information API it provides which will be presented in the next sections.
  2. The STH sink: the STH sink is in charge of persisting into MongoDB databases the desired aggregated time series context information as it is registered into an Orion Context Broker instance. The STH sink pre-aggregates the context information according to the configured resolutions making the retrieval of this aggregated time series context information almost instantaneous, using the API the STH component exposes and which will be presented in the next sections.

To properly configure and use the MongoDB and the STH sinks to register raw and aggregated time series context information into MongoDB databases susceptible of being retrieved by the STH component, please refer to the following documentation provided at the Cygnus GitHub repository site:

The second and so-called minimalistic option to register raw and aggregated time series context information susceptible of being retrieved by the STH component consists on using the STH component itself to receive and process the notifications sent by an Orion Context Broker instance as the values of the entity attributes of interest change over time.

As a way to subscribe the STH component instance to the entity attributes of interest, a request such as the following one has to be sent to the Orion Context Broker instance whose raw and aggregated time series context information wants to be managed by the STH component:

curl <orion-context-broker-host>:<orion-context-broker-port>/v1/subscribeContext -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Fiware-Service: <service>' --header 'Fiware-ServicePath: <service-path>' -d @- <<EOF
    "entities": [
            "type": "<entity-type>",
            "isPattern": "<false|true>",
            "id": "<entity-id>"
    "attributes": [
    "reference": "http://<sth-host>:<sth-port>/notify",
    "duration": "<duration>",
    "notifyConditions": [
            "type": "ONCHANGE",
            "condValues": [
    "throttling": "<throttling>"

Notice that in the previous subscriptions we are using templates instead of real values. These templates should be substituted by the desired values in each concrete case.

It is important to note that the subscription expire and must be re-enabled. More concretely, the duration property sets the duration of the subscription.

On the other hand, for the time being the STH component only is able to manage notifications in JSON format and consequently it is very important to set the Accept header to application/json.

Last but not least, the throttling makes it possible to control the frequency of the notifications. Depending on the resolution of the aggregated time series context information you are interested in, the throttling should be fine-tuned accordingly. For example, it may make no sense to set the minimum resolution in the STH component to second but set the throttling to PT60s (60 seconds), since with this configuration 1 value update will be notified every 60 seconds (1 minute) the most, and corresponding the minimum recommended resolutions should be minute.

Further information about the Orion Context Broker subscription API can be found in Orion specific documentation. Note that at the present moment STH only supports the old NGSIv1 notification format, so "attrsFormat": "legacy" has to be used in this case.